24/30 Wise Sayings: Troll

 Whoever plans to do evil will be called a schemer. The devising of folly is sin, and the scoffer is an abomination to mankind. Proverbs 24:8-9 ESV https://bible.com/bible/59/pro.24.8-9.ESV

It's bad enough that we're all naturally evil. But to actively plan to do evil, rather than to just stumble into it, is even worse. Solomon calls someone who plans to do evil a schemer.

If we were to think up something stupid to do, even if it's something as seemingly innocent as a prank, Solomon suggests it may well be sin. There's a fine line between a prank and folly. After all, pranks are usually an attempt to make a fool of someone which we shouldn't be doing.

Solomon describes the scoffer as an abomination to mankind. Nowadays we might describe the scoffer as a troll, especially if they rear their ugly heads online. But sadly there's plenty of arrogant mockery offline as well.

If mockers are an abomination to mankind, how much more are they abhorrent to God! There is a sense in which God loves everyone, but He will not ultimately tolerate a unrepentantly hateful scoffer. If we're uncomfortably close in definition to that, we need to repent today, before it's too late.

"God, forbid that we should plan to do evil. Don't let us become nasty trolls, online or offline. Have
mercy upon us we pray, in Christ's name, amen"


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