23/30 Wise Sayings: Gate

 Wisdom is too high for a fool; in the gate he does not open his mouth. Proverbs 24:7 ESV

The gate of the city was the place in ancient times where the elders would gather to discuss the issues of the day. But it wasn't just a talking shop. It was also the centre of commerce, where imports and exports would come in and go out. It was a bustling trading post as well.

Wisdom is too high for a fool however. The gate of the ancient city was no place for him. He had nothing to add to the conversation now. The equivalent nowadays would be in legislatures or chambers of commerce, where the great and the good thrash out the issues of the day.

To get to the top of your game, to be the kind of person who gets invited to state banquets, you can't be a fool. You have to have a measure of wisdom about you. You can't leave common
sense at the door when you go out to do your daily business.

I remember especially as a youth, even in church small groups, sitting pretty mute as I listened to the wisdom of my elders. I like to think I was a simpleton rather than an out and out fool. And hopefully with relative age comes relative wisdom. But I'm still not "in the gates" of the world, despite "Watching Daily At
Wisdom's Gates"!

"Most wise God, please help us to become wise, even if we're pretty foolish as things stand. May we have something to contribute in public life, to the praise of Your glory,


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