22/30 Wise Sayings: Wisdom

 A wise man is full of strength, and a man of knowledge enhances his might, for by wise guidance you can wage your war, and in abundance of counselors there is victory. Proverbs 24:5-6 ESV

We don't often equate wisdom with strength. We think of the stereotypically nerdy or wise kid at school with the glasses and the weediness (yes, that was me!). Solomon does equate wisdom with strength however, because strength isn't so much measured in how much you can lift as in the strength of our characters.

If we go along the stereotypical lines again, the school bully may have had brute strength. But the nerd can outwit him with his brains. The school bully will probably end up working at McDonald's, whilst the nerd becomes the founder and CEO of a tech start up!

In a war, it's not necessarily the one with the
biggest guns that wins- ask the Vietnamese! Brains trump brawn any day. It's possible for an
underdog to win a fight if they have the shrewdness to fight strategically. If you want to be victorious in life, surround yourself with counselors.

It's good to have a mentor. It's even better to have several. Why have one person advising you when you can have a number of opinions, and then weigh up the best option?

"God of wisdom, may we be wise, and so be strong, mighty and successful in life. Help us to surround ourselves with wise, helpful people so that we can weigh up our options and make the best decisions. In Jesus' name, amen"


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