
 Does not he see my ways and number all my steps?
Job 31:4 ESV

If the Proverbs 31 woman had a male equivalent, it would be the Job 31 man. From verse 1, where he mentions his promise with his eyes not to lust after women, he goes on to describe how he has integrity in different aspects of his life. With Job, WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get).

This verse gives a clue as to why Job had such integrity. He knew that God saw his ways and numbered his steps. Because he knew God is omniscient (all knowing), he knew he needed to have integrity.

If we're accountable to noone, we can do what we like. If however we're responsible to God for our actions, we need to make sure we do what is right. Job understood this well.

What about us? Are we honest? Do we bear in mind that one day God will judge us? If not, we would do well to do so!

'Sovereign Lord, may we submit to Your majesty, and live in accordance with Your ways. Please keep us on the straight and narrow, for Jesus' sake, amen'


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