
 (for you shall worship no other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God),
Exodus 34:14 ESV

We might think of jealousy as a bad thing, but there is a legitimate context for it. A husband ought to be jealous for his wife's affections, because he has a right to them, and his wife for his. A spouse who shrugs their shoulders at their partner's infidelity is wrong, not the jealous one.

So is it any wonder that God is jealous for His people, whom He bought with His own blood? If jealousy is an integral part of the most intimate of human loves, why would we expect divine love to be any different? God is jealous for us!

Because God is jealous for us, what should our response be? To worship Him alone, for He alone is worthy of our worship. All false gods are made up by demons to deceive mankind, no wonder the anger of God's jealousy burns like fire against them!

God forbid that we should provoke the fire of His jealousy to burn against us. When we are unfaithful to Him, we grieve His Holy Spirit. May we bear the spiritual fruit of faithfulness in our lives!

'Jealous God, may we never rouse Your anger for unfaithfulness to You. Please forgive us when we go astray, and bring us back to Your narrow way, for Your honour and praise we pray, amen'


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