
 For many are called, but few are chosen."
Matthew 22:14 ESV

A wedding feast is a bit like heaven: the marriage of Christ and His bride, the church. Just imagine a wedding party where many of the original invitees fail to turn up! Jesus's parable of the wedding feast pictures His fellow Jews as mostly those who refuse the invite to heaven.

Jesus might have invited His people to heaven with Him, but He has also sent His followers to the ends of the earth, to invite the likes of us to heaven with Him. As many as hear the good news are invited. As many who accept the invitation are chosen to attend the party of heaven.

People often have a caricature of hell as a party where the cool kids go, and heaven as sitting on clouds strumming harps. Biblically, the former is tortuous regret; whereas the latter is a glorious new creation. The new heavens and earth will be a wonderful embodied experience of joyous bliss.

So do you hear the call to repent and believe the good news? You are one of many who are blessed to hear it. Do you accept the invitation? You are one of the priviledged few who are chosen.

'Almighty Lord, please choose us to be part of Your heavenly wedding feast! Thank You for the invite; may we respond as we ought, in Jesus' name, amen'


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