
 "I have compassion on the crowd, because they have been with me now three days and have nothing to eat.
Mark 8:2 ESV

Jesus is the opposite to some self serving politician who buries his head in the sand to crisis. Far from being indifferent or in denial about the need of the people, Jesus was filled with compassion for them. We might belittle apathy, but that kind of uncaring nature is an affront to our compassionate God.

Note that Jesus wasn't concerned about Himself. Presumably He hadn't eaten Himself for three days, never mind everyone else. But His concern was for the crowd.

The koine Greek word for compassion has the sense of a gut feeling, or butterflies in the stomach. Jesus wasn't just cerebrally aware of human need for daily bread. He had a heartfelt concern for the people.

Whilst Herod the king was killing John the Baptist, and Pilate the governor would crucify Christ, Jesus Himself actually cared for the people. They were like sheep without a shepherd, harassed and helpless. Thankfully, He Himself is the Good Shepherd.

'Good Shepherd of our souls, thank You for Your compassion for us, when others would exploit us. Please help us to trust You to provide for us, until You call us home, for Your glory, amen'


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