
 For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.
Romans 10:10 ESV

I'm not sure the concept of 'secret believers' is very Biblical. Yes, there was Naaman in the old testament who had to fulfil some pagan duties. But in the new testament Jesus tells those who are persecuted for the faith that they are blessed (and to flee persecution).

These verses in Romans 10 don't seem to allow for 'secret believers'. We need to confess with our mouths and be saved. We're not saved by confessing with our mouths, but if we are saved, we will confess Christ.

Obviously, verbal confession isn't enough. Someone could claim to be a follower of Jesus and not believe it in their hearts. We need to believe in our hearts to be justified by God.

So we need to confess that Jesus is Lord. As He Himself said, anyone who's ashamed of Him and His words will not be acknowledged by Him when He returns. So the stakes are pretty high.

'Father God, we confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, and believe in Him in our hearts. To Your honour and praise, amen'


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