
 For they themselves report concerning us the kind of reception we had among you, and how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God,

1 Thessalonians 1:9 ESV

This may just seem like an ancient story of how some primitive people decided to subscribe to a slightly more 'evolved' belief. Really however, it is the testimony of pretty much everyone who comes to faith in Jesus. Any other belief than in Him as God incarnate alongside the Father and the Spirit is idolatry.

Even people who don't think they're religious have idols. They might be celebrity idols. Usually however, they're rather more subtle: things like money, sex, and power.

There's not necessarily anything wrong with money, sex and power in and of themselves, but idolatry is 'good things being made into god things'. Money for example makes a great servant, but a terrible master. Sex isn't something to serve ourselves with, but something to serve our marriage partners with.

We might have a measure of power. But we do well to remember that God is the Almighty Sovereign of the universe. Any power we might have is delegated. 

'True and living God, we worship You today. We renounce the idols of our past lives, and live for You alone. For Your glory, amen'


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