
 For this reason, when I could bear it no longer, I sent to learn about your faith, for fear that somehow the tempter had tempted you and our labor would be in vain.

1 Thessalonians 3:5 ESV

Affliction is inevitable in any life, never mind the Christian life. In the Christian life however, there is the additional affliction of persecution. Even if it only takes the form of 'microaggressions', mockery and insults, it still hurts. Imprisonment, torture and martyrdom aren't the only forms of persecution.

Paul loved the Thessalonian church like a nursing mother or a doting father. So when he heard about the afflictions they were facing, he was concerned. Many people, when life gets tough, give up on whatever they feel is causing that hardship, such as faith in Christ.

Paul showed the kind of care for the Thessalonian church that every believer should have for every believer. If we hear that a brother or sister in Christ is suffering, we should long to hear how they are bearing up in the midst of their affliction. The fear is that satan has tempted to give up. 

Thankfully, in the case of the Thessalonian church, they were standing firm under pressure. Yes, they were a little too fixated on the return of Christ, which they were hoping was imminent to deliver them from their trials. But generally, Paul's letters to them are full of encouragement to keep on keeping on.

'Almighty Lord, please help us to keep on keeping on, in Your name and by Your strength, amen'


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