
Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh?

Galatians 3:3 ESV

The illustration that comes to mind is of the Spirit as a mechanic who fixes the 'cars' of our hearts. Having been fixed, we don't need to push our cars up hills of difficulty. We simply need to drive!

How do we begin a life of faith? By slaving away to keep the law of God? Or by simply trusting in God and receiving His Holy Spirit? Of course, it's the latter.

Why do we seek to do the right thing? Is it to earn the favour of God? Or is it because we have already received the favour of God?

The works of the law can never change the hearts of people. It's by the work of the Spirit that we can be changed, transformed and able to live as we should. We just need to trust God to do His work in us.

'O Lord, and Father of mankind, forgive our foolish ways. Please help us to trust in You and not to go astray. For Your glory, amen'


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