
 Therefore the people quarreled with Moses and said, "Give us water to drink." And Moses said to them, "Why do you quarrel with me? Why do you test the Lord ?"

Exodus 17:2 ESV

Last chapter, the people grumbled about lack of food. Now things get more severe. There's no justification for grumbling, but quarrelling is another step along the load to outright rebellion.

We might empathise with the children of Israel. It's horrible to be hungry or thirsty- food and drink are basic human needs. But instead of grumbling or quarrelling when we don't have food or drink, we should ask God for our needs, and to hunger and thirst for Him.

Complaining to God about our lack of what we need isn't wrong. But grumbling or quarrelling with God isn't asking Him for what we need. It is accusing Him for failing to do what He has no obligation to do for us.


God doesn't owe us anything. But He graciously gives us all things to enjoy. Having delivered His people from Egypt, He wasn't about to abandon them in the desert. And yet they felt rebellious after a very short time.

'God, we admit that we are often tempted to quarrel. Please help us to take our trials and temptations to You in prayer, because You care for us. For Your glory, amen'


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