
God saw the people of Israel—and God knew.

Exodus 2:25 ESV

I think people often think of God seeing us like that song Every Breath You Take by The Police- as a sinister sounding thing. But God doesn't watch us like an authoritarian policeman, waiting for us to slip up. Instead, He watches us like a loving Heavenly Father.

God doesn't just see with His eyes. He doesn't just know intellectually. He sees and knows in His heart. 

Jesus is the perfect embodiment of how God feels for us. Jesus wept over Jerusalem, the city that would shortly bay for His blood. He knew that within a few decades it would be destroyed by the Romans, and far from taking sadistic pleasure in vengeance, He was sorrowful for them.

The people of Israel were enslaved in Egypt. Pharoah was beginning to enact a 'final solution' to his perceived Hebrew problem- the infanticide of Israelite boys. But Pharoah's own daughter couldn't resist adopting a Hebrew boy would would become God's means of deliverance of His people. When God saves His people, He doesn't allow us to become enslaved to sin any more.

'Yahweh our God, please help us to live in the freedom that You have achieved for us, and not to become enslaved again to sin, through the blood of Jesus we pray, amen' 


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