
 And he said to all, "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.

Luke 9:23 ESV

Early on in His ministry, Jesus was really popular. Even just earlier in this chapter, Jesus fed 5,000 men, plus women and children miraculously. But when He started making statements like this verse, He understandably became less popular.

Basically, Jesus was asking those who would follow Him to go on 'death row'. Following Jesus in 1st Century Roman Palestine wasn't about pressing a button on social media. It was about changing the entire orientation of your life to live for the promised Messiah. 

Understandably, not many people signed up to 'death row for Jesus'. As Jesus made His way inexorably to the cross, the crowds peeled away. They were no better than the Romans, hankering after 'free bread and circuses', and when Jesus didn't play ball, they turned away disillusioned.

Note however that Jesus isn't simply calling people to die for Him. He's calling us to deny ourselves. Are we going to live to please ourselves, or to honour the Lord who loved us and gave Himself for us? He's laid out the path, all we have to do is to follow.

'Dear Lord, You have given everything for us. It's not too much for You to ask everything of us. Please help us to willingly and wholeheartedly offer ourselves to You, for Your glory, amen'


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