

But the wicked will perish; the Lord's enemies will be like the beauty of the fields, they will vanish- vanish like the smoke.

Psalm 37:20 NIV

To the casual observer, this might seem a bit of a harsh verse. But if you don't have any enemies, maybe it's because you haven't stood up for anything worth fighting for. Of course, our battle isn't against flesh and blood, but the devil isn't above conscripting flesh and blood into his armies. 

Thankfully, the wicked spawn of satan will assuredly perish, even though Jesus came so that they don't have to. We can be adopted into God's family. Thankfully we can be changed from evildoers to saints. 

I live in a town that means 'Englishman's barley fields'. Lovely. The kind of place that a Viking might covet. But even the beauty of Ingleby Barwick will pass away. 

A day of reckoning is coming. And unless we've made our peace with God, we're going to go up like a puff of smoke. Best to reconcile with Him while we can. 

'Lord, have mercy upon us, sinners that we are. Please deliver us from the wrath to come, in the mighty name of Jesus, amen'


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