Christmassy Poem
Two thousand years ago,
This land lay shrouded in snow
And in the East a star
Guided men from afar.
In Israel a child was born
And soon a new day would dawn
This Child, this King who was born
Would wear a crown of thorns.
In Bethlehem David's town
Shepherds settled down
Watching over their flocks
Among the cold, grey rocks.
Then in the sky: an angel!
On this the first nowell
'Good tidings of great joy
For to you's been born a boy.'
The shepherds hurried down
To search the streets of the town
The crying of a babe
Gave away where He was laid.
Many months later on
After that angel song
Wise men came from the East
Expecting a Royal feast.
King Herod was afraid:
'Where is the Baby laid?'
'In Bethlehem David's town,
Maybe we should go down!'
When the men found the Boy
They gave Him some strange toys-
Gold and incense and myrrh-
His Deity they did infer.
In a dream Joseph did see
They'd have to be refugees.
In Egypt they found a home
Til Herod lay dead as a stone.
The Child quickly grew up,
With sinners He did sup,
He raised the dead back to life,
But met with much jealous strife.
And so the rulers did plot
Crucifixion was His lot,
But on that cross as He died
'It is finished' He then cried.
And so our striving can cease
And be part of a Royal feast
Where Christ the Risen One
Can lead us to where He's gone.
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