

You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.

Exodus 20:7 NIV

This is often interpreted as being about swearing or blasphemy. Devout Jews take it so seriously that they will not even pronounce the name of the Lord. To be honest, if swearing is one extreme, I think refusing to mention God at all is the other. 

If I know my wife's name, I shouldn't use it as a swear word whenever something bad happens. Neither however should I keep quiet about her when someone seems to be trying to flirt with me. It's about respecting the name and using it in the right contexts. 

If I was to never speak my wife's name, I think you would doubt I was in love with her. If I was to constantly go on about her, it might get a bit wearisome. I think the balance is somewhere in the middle. 

We don't have to repeatedly preach God to people who repeatedly refuse to listen. We don't have to throw our pearls before swine. We just need to speak the truth in love, to be ready to give an answer to one who asks us to give a reason for the hope that we have in the Lord Jesus Christ. 

'Lord of glory, thank You for the hope we have in You. May we not be ashamed to share it when the time is right. For the honour of Your name, amen'


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