
Moses built an altar and called it 'The Lord is my banner'.

Exodus 17:15 NIV

One might have thought that it was all about Moses. He raised his hands and Israel won; he lowered his hands and Israel lost. Moses may well have assumed that Israel's victory depended on him. 

But by simply raising his hands, Moses wasn't particularly helping the war effort. What he was doing was expressing Israel's utter dependence on God. If he relied on God, Israel was winning. If he tired of waiting upon God, Israel was losing. 

So Moses knew that it wasn't the strength of his arms in which the victory was won. He knew it was in the strength of the God to whom he raised his arms. The Lord was his banner, and is that of all his people. 

William the Conqueror had the papal banner with him into battle at Hastings. But Moses wasn't trusting in some religious man like himself. He was trusting in the Lord his God, the banner of His people. 

'Lord our God, we thank You for being the banner of Your people. May we lift our hands and eyes to You both now and always, in Jesus' name, amen'



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