

No-one is to appear before me empty handed.

Exodus 23:15b 

This sounds a bit of a legalistic verse according to what we know of God from the new testament. As 

the old hymn goes, 'nothing in my hands I bring; simply to Thy cross I cling'. But when we come empty handed to the cross, God doesn't leave us empty handed. 

God entrusts His people with talents. We might come to Him empty, but He doesn't leave us that way. He fills us up, and expects us to invest what He gives us for His glory. If we have no evidence that 

we've invested in our professed faith, that doesn't look good. 

If nothing else, God wants our hearts. Of course, we can't tear them from our chests so we're not 

empty handed. But God does expect us to hold other hands and bring other souls to the foot of the 


We are not to bury our talents, but to invest them in the kingdom of God. God doesn't just want us as

individuals, He wants everything we can offer Him. Our salvation might be by Christ alone. But our 

salvation is never alone, it is always accompanied by good works. 

'Lord God Almighty, we acknowledge the importance of giving You our all. Please help us to not short 

change You who has given everything to us. In Jesus' name, amen'


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