Mary Magdalene went to the disciples with the news: “I have seen the Lord!” And she told them that he had said these things to her. John 20:18 (NIV) Mary Magdalene didn't need a PhD in theology to know what she had witnessed: the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Not only had He delivered her from seven demons, but He defeated death on her behalf and upon the behalf of everyone who trusts in Him. It was a pope hundreds of years later who claimed Mary Magdalene had been a prostitute: the Bible makes no such claim. It does however say that Jesus drove out seven demons from her. She won't have been regarded as a reliable witness. Not only had Mary been a demoniac, but she was also a woman, which in that culture of the time wasn't regarded as very significant, especially when it came to evidence in court. So if the disciples were to have made up Christ's resurrection, they wouldn't have called upon Mary to be their star witness. God doesn't ask His people to b...