Fear: Focus on What Ultimately Matters
Focus. It's not all it's cracked up to be. What we focus on is more important than whether we focus in the first place. If we only focus on what we can see, we'll be short sighted. We focus on what matters to us. If we like gaming, we focus on gaming. If we like gardening, DIY or sports; you guessed it: we focus on those things. There's not necessarily anything wrong with hobbies and leisure activities, but I would argue that they shouldn't be our focus. Neither, in my opinion, should weighter things like money, sex and power. None of what I've mentioned is intrinsically wrong, but they shouldn't be our primary focus. There was a very wise man, the second wisest ever after God incarnate, who dabbled in lots of foci to try and find meaning. He even tried wine as a focus for his life, and of course ended up with a regretful hangover as he overindulged. Solomon, as he was named, was famed for focusing on women. Nothing wrong with a wife, but Solomon overdid it...