I will betroth you to me in faithfulness. And you shall know the Lord. Hosea 2:20 ESV Hosea had a horrific home life: God had him marry an adulterous woman to symbolise His relationship with His unfaithful people. Thankfully, the end of the story for both Hosea and the Lord is hinted at here. Hosea and Gomer were going to have a recommitment; God and His people will be restored to a right relationship. Hosea, the prophet of God, was to take the initiative to bring Gomer back to himself. He was to betroth her to himself in faithfulness. They were going to have a new lease of life as a couple. God, the spiritual husband of His people Israel, unites Jew and Gentile into a spiritual bride for Himself. Most Jews might not currently acknowledge Christ as Lord, but we can trust for a restorative revival amongst Jewish people. Even us Gentiles can become part of God's love story, through faith in Jesus. Maybe Israel generally never knew the L...